Every time a job becomes
available in your service area
you’ll instantly receive new job
Easily view all the information
you need including location,
size, price and more for every
LawnGuru gives you the tools
and flexibility to quickly grow
your business. Get paid in 48hrs
or less after every job!
The LawnGuru app is completely free to join and use. Once an application has been approved, providers can immediately start accepting nearby jobs. Most providers are able to complete thier application in under 10 minutes.
After you’re approved you’ll instantly gain access to new job requests. During a typical season thousands of jobs become available on the LawnGuru platform.
It's time to forget about invoicing and collections. With LawnGuru, once the job’s complete you get paid. Payments are automatically deposited into your bank within 48 hours.
LawnGuru allows providers to easily add their new and existing clients to the platform. Once added you and your customers can enjoy all the benefits of LawnGuru.
Providers have total control over where and when they receive job requests. And now that LawnGuru offers wildcard requests, providers are able to easily book recurring jobs to fit seamlessly into their existing routes. This means more jobs in the neighborhoods you’re already working in.